'SAVE THE VAGINA MUSEUM': Genital-Obsessed Museum Demands Money to Use Women's Anatomy to Erase Women

Justine Brooke Murray | March 14, 2025
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London’s “Vagina Museum,” (Yes, that’s an actual thing) made what we’re supposed to believe is a devastating announcement on Friday.

They’re closing for good (ohhh nooo).

“A perfect storm of circumstances means that we may have to close our doors permanently and cease all digital activities,” wrote “World's first bricks and mortar museum dedicated to vaginas, vulvas and the gynae anatomy,” in a post on X.

That is unless we give them money, of course. 

Attached to their post is a GoFundMe page titled “Save the Vagina Museum.” 

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“We need your help!” begged the genitalia-obsessed group, blaming a “crisis” targeting “LGBT +” and “Women’s rights” for their failure to pay their building’s rent. 

“This has had a serious impact on our short and the long-term sustainability,” they insist. Or perhaps, it's just that nobody with a life wants to fork over their wallets for a tour of “fascinating” exhibitions like “Menopause” and “Periods.” (I’d hate to know what it smells like in that place.)

Maybe, just maybe, the locals don’t want to spend their lunch break gazing at displays featuring a baby doll wrapped in a “transgender” flag lying next to a dildo and bottle of lube. 

Can't they just go in peace and leave us alone?

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Of course not! They wouldn’t be true progressives otherwise. These genital warts, I mean warriors for social justice, insist we “need” them, even though we “do not always want” them. 

That’s why they need other people’s money so cat lady types who know much better than we do can continue shoving their agenda-stuffed hoo haas our faces. 

Just don't expect them to use the female anatomy to actually empower women. Instead, the museum uses our own body parts to erase us.

To practice “inclusive language” toward gender deluded men, the VAGINA museum does not allow displays to call women “women.” Instead, we’re “people with vaginas” and “people who menstruate.”

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How dehumanizing. 


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