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Nick Rivero and Nick Donarski Interviewed by Fotis Georgiadis

Nick Rivero, Chief Technologist & Co-Founder, MEPTIK

Nick Donarski, inventor of the multi-part ecosystem that’s the ORE System

Nick Rivero, Chief Technologist & Co-Founder, MEPTIK. Nick Donarski, inventor of the multi-part ecosystem that’s the ORE System.

I would say the fact that we are still kicking and still here because honestly, the blood, sweat, and tears that every person on the team puts into this is really the story behind our success.
— Nick Donarski, inventor of the multi-part ecosystem that’s the ORE System
GREENWICH, CT, USA, April 11, 2022 / -- Fotis Georgiadis, owner of the blog by his namesake, is a branding and image consultant specialist with a robust background and is a visionary interviewer. With a knack for pulling out a well-rounded interview, not only covering cutting edge technologies and corporate directions but also bringing out the personal side of the interviewee.

Marketing continues to evolve and unless you have a dedicated team keeping up with those changes, your marketing plans will fall behind. Fotis Georgiadis can help change that using the latest technologies to build your brand, your corporate image. Check out the recent VR/AR/MR client interviews below.

Nick Rivero, Chief Technologist & Co-Founder, MEPTIK
The VR, AR and MR industries seem so exciting right now. What are the 3 things in particular that most excite you about the industry? Can you explain or give an example?

1. Being on the bleeding edge of a new industry is incredible. There are not many times in your career that you get to write a new chapter of the story, and this is it for an entire industry.

2. The Metaverse, to me, is really about this core idea of exploring how the digital and physical worlds will intersect themselves. It’s about realizing what our digital future in a physical world truly looks like.

3. We’re only at the tip of the iceberg. Just like any great invention or technology in time — the internet for example — its full effect isn’t realized until much later down the road. I feel that with these new technologies, we’re a long ways out from seeing the full effects on an entire generation.

What are the 3 things that concern you about the VR, AR and MR industries? Can you explain? What can be done to address those concerns?

1. There is still a lot to learn. We have a long way to go in really exploring what is possible, but also what the psychological impact will be on humans moving forward. It will be hard to tell and only time and experience will be able to teach us the true force of it’s impact.

2. There are a lot of negative impacts this can have on us too. I think we need to be cognizant of the darker sides of technology as we move forward. Just in the last few years, humanity has brought more attention to the fact that technology isn’t always friendly. Corporations exploiting user data and privacy becoming nill, for example, have left us realizing that we need to be aware that there are multiple roads these technologies can take us down.

3. Accessibility — in order for everyone to participate in these technological advancements, high-performance equipment is needed that not every person has access to. This barrier to entry might lead to inequality in access to information and social structures. These things will only be resolved with time as equipment becomes more accessible and affordable with a higher adoption rate.

Read the rest of the interview here

Nick Donarski, inventor of the multi-part ecosystem that’s the ORE System
The VR, AR and MR industries seem so exciting right now. What are the 3 things in particular that most excite you about the industry? Can you explain or give an example?

The cool part about this is that it bridges barriers and breaks down global lines. That’s one of the cool things that the Internet brought together: access.

The metaverse is a middle ground where you can start to build that community out a little bit. Its inclusion of AR and VR starts to break down some of those barriers.

The three things that are most exciting are:

The technology that’s going to be trickling down is exciting.
It’s going to be a smaller technology and easier to use. You’re going to see more events and a stronger sense of community because you’re breaking down that barrier.
The third is the fact that you are in a video game, so the ability to do almost anything that you want is there with more fun and fewer restrictions.
What are the 3 things that concern you about the VR, AR and MR industries? Can you explain? What can be done to address those concerns?

The biggest concern is going to be security. With any new technology, you have a hurdle of trying to get there first but not doing your due diligence from the development side. Trying to be first to market doesn’t mean that you did all the steps that you’re supposed to. Coming from the cyber security side for 22 years, that is why I still have a job. People rush things to market, so security is going to be key.
As we go into the future motion of crypto payment-processing, this is also a concern. The transaction of PCI has to be the concern. You still have to use credit card processors and follow rules and regulations. I don’t think a lot of developers are taking this into account as they start to get in.
As much as I love technology, it does start to build a wedge between the real world and the virtual world. There’s a concern that we are actually accelerating the separation of humanity from interacting with one another by removing the requirement of interacting.

Finish reading the interview here

You can reach out to Fotis Georgiadis at the below-listed website, email and social media links to discuss how he can help your brand and image.

About Fotis Georgiadis
Fotis Georgiadis is the founder of DigitalDayLab. Fotis Georgiadis is a serial entrepreneur with offices in both Malibu and New York City. He has expertise in marketing, branding and mergers & acquisitions. Fotis Georgiadis is also an accomplished VC who has successfully concluded five exits. Fotis Georgiadis is also a contributor to Authority Magazine, Thrive Global & several others.

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Nick Donarski, inventor of the multi-part ecosystem that’s the ORE System

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